Monday, December 16, 2013

Love A Child Today

You may be busy and impatient with a child, but in that moment they may not understand your issues and feel abandoned. Put down whatever you are doing and give them a minute of your time.
A child need to have eye contact which should be soft and tender as you explain that something is not right! Don't yell and scream at them unless you want to become the monster. Instead show them by actions what you want done. Take their things and help them put them away and then hug and love them. Do not promise a reward, especially if you forget to follow through. They will hate you for breaking your promise.
In times when a child is bored, give them a responsibility, such as put the pots in the cupboard, or write a letter of thank you. Their scribbles will be unintelligent, but it has meaning for them. Involve your child in your activities, and above all else be patient as they follow along. This will give your child confidence to try and do anything.
Hugs are always important. I child needs tactile activities as well as human contact. So enjoy yourself being a child on and off throughout the day.

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