Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Stargate To The Cosmos NM

Want to visit Alberquerque in NM< Come to our expo and enjoy chatting with the speaekrs as well as to learn from them. We have talks, panels, workshops and interactive events. go to www.Stargatetothecosmos.com and regester to eure you have your tickets for the events of your choice.

Want to visit Alberquerque in NM< Come to our expo and enjoy chatting with the speaekrs as well as to learn from them. We have talks, panels, workshops and interactive events. go to www.Stargatetothecosmos.com and regester to ensure you have your tickets for the events of your choice.
People are asking questions and our speakers have som very interesting answers. Do go to the page below and register fro the events you want to attend. This is a must not miss event. I will be talking about my alien encoutners, giving messages from The Other Side and also teaching how to overcome all illnesses and diseases with my Crystal therapies.

You Are not who you think you are! Break out of The Rejection Syndrome

Do you Reject your own idea or those of others. Do you get angry and frustrated. Well you can blame your ancestors in part, but also the way you use your Soul Structure Coding that entwines with your DNA & RNA. I will be sharing how to get to the positive of "The Real You!"

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Stargate To The Cosmos PR

Some amazing people are all coming together including me to create an expo that you will not want to miss. The is an event in Alberquerque NM in Oct. 25-28 includes post workshops and courses.

Soul Structure Coding talk

Learn why you do the things you do without knowing you were encoded to react and interact. Your Sould Coding and DNA & RNA have conditioned you to believe and think the way you do. Learn how to use the positive side of your character and personality to become successful.

Dr Margaret in LV CME CAM Congress

wherever you are in the world you are encoded with A Soul Structure Coding, DNA & RNA From mother, grandparents and everyone you meet. let me help you - come to this event a learn how unfamiliar you are with who you truly are!

5Devents.com International Symposium of Quantum Consciousness & Healing ...

Rooms are half price if you stay at the hotel and attend the symposium

5Devents.com International Symposium of Quantum Consciousness & Healing ...

This is the event of the year. Don't miss out. We have workshops, talks, panels and even one on one. Come see what we have and I know you will go home happy.

5Devents.com International Symposium of Quantum Consciousness & Healing ...

I am pleased to invite you to this event in LA. It is amust attend type of event with so many wonderful speakers, therapists, scientists, docs and more. Attend talks, workshops and meet people who will help you transform you life. go to www.5Devents.com to buy your tickets on the home page.